Nadine Shah announces new album ‘Kitchen Sink’

Watch the video for ‘Ladies For Babies (Goats For Love)’ here:
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Nadine Shah has today announced her fourth studio album, Kitchen Sink will be released on 5 June via Infectious Music. Along with the announcement she has shared the video for lead single ‘Ladies For Babies (Goats For Love)’. The video is directed by Matt Cummins and Shah stars alongside Craig Parkinson (BBC’s Line Of Duty / Black Mirror) in a setting that glances back to a time and place where the context of the song feels very much at home.Speaking of the track Shah says:
“My brother was making a comment on sexism when he was younger and made a painting of a man embracing a goat with the phrase “ladies for babies, goats for love”. It always stuck with me, I guess cause it sounded daft but really because even back then I knew its true meaning and intent. I was also thinking about a lot of the songs I would have been listening to at the time, songs I sang along to innocently without question of the meaning. ‘Ladies for Babies’ is a direct response to ‘All That She Wants’ by Ace of Base. I reversed the gender and I poke fun at a husband who expects nothing more from me, as a wife, than to carry his child and perform the role of the obeying subservient trophy wife. Only this time the mistress is a farmyard animal. A lot of my album explores subjects of sexism and tradition. It’s not all about beastiality, I promise.”
Kitchen Sink follows up Shah’s Hyundai Mercury Prize nominated 2017 album Holiday Destination – a triumphant unification of a political message with an infectiously driving groove which received critical acclaim including AIM Awards ‘Independent Album of the Year’, a #7 ‘Album of the Year’ from BBC 6 Music and #5 from The Quietus as well as prominent positions in lists from Loud and Quiet and The Line of Best Fit.With the same ferocious determination and distinct voice Shah now turns her sights closer to home with an album that explores her own story as a woman in her 30’s and the societal pressures and expectations that come with that. The album also tells the stories of countless other women she has met and their differing yet equally very similar experiences.
Shah explains more saying:
“It’s a conversation between me and so many of my friends in our 30’s. There’s that panic that so many of us have that we are running out of time, when it comes to having children. It’s like when we were younger we all made our own timelines in our minds of when we thought we would do certain things. If you were to tell 14 year old me I’d be 34, unmarried and have no children I’d have never believed it. Lots of my friends I’ve spoken to did this very same thing.
My entire friend circle of women I grew up with now have children. I’ve watched some of the biggest idiots (I say that totally in jest!) become the most amazing mothers. I’m happy for them, properly happy for them. I worry for them whenever they doubt themselves and am here for them to support them when they need me. I’m proud of them. But you can’t help but compare your situation to the ones around you and this is what a lot of me and other female friends are feeling in our 30’s and 40’s. This pressure.
For the album I spoke to so many women. Women who want to have children and can’t physically, women who can physically but choose not to, all different scenarios. My good friend, a woman in her late 50’s chose not to have children and continues to be one of my favourite musicians and most youthful vibrant person I know. Her story is in this album too. Essentially I’m writing about so many women that I just love. The new mothers, the rock stars, the ones doubting themselves who need our support, the ones who are ill but show an indescribable strength.
There’s traditions that were set out years ago of how our lives should be and that has changed completely now and I for one am so proud to be a woman and to be surrounded by even greater ones.”
Kitchen Sink is available for preorder now on CD and heavyweight black vinyl. HMV and indie stores will also stock a limited edition opaque orange vinyl with the artist store offering signed albums and exclusive merch bundles:
Photo credit: Fraser Taylor Kitchen Sink tracklist:
1. Club Cougar
2. Ladies For Babies (Goats For Love)
3. Buckfast
4. Dillydally
5. Trad
6. Kitchen Sink
7. Kite
8. Ukrainian Wine
9. Wasps Nest
10. Walk
11. Prayer Mat
8 March – London @ 6Music Festival
24 May – Newcastle @ This Is Tomorrow Festival
Tickets available here:
Praise for 2017’s Holiday Destination:
“A bold, heartfelt beast that wears its politics and defiance firmly on its sleeve”
8/10 Loud & Quiet ‘Album of the Week’
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“Better upon every listen”
8/10 The Line of Best Fit ‘Album of the Week’
“Nadine Shah has released the most accomplished, accessible, and important protest album of the year”
8.5/10 The 405
“Hypnotic, righteous and utterly compelling, Nadine Shah’s third album is an extraordinary exploration of the health of our country and our world”
The Quietus, Lead Review
“Few current artists make music with such a simmering edge”
4/5 The Guardian
“A richly impressive album”
4/5 The Financial Times
“Shah has made an album about big subjects that is just too musically rich – and joyful – to come across as hectoring or worthy”
4/5 The Times
“A beautifully realised disturbance of any remaining peace”
4/5 Mojo
“Smart and bitter laments on excellent third”
8/10 Uncut“
An album of such beautiful horror”
8/10 Drowned In Sound
“Pointed songs that act as a bellwether for very present societal tensions”
4/5 The Mirror
“A literate and courageous work, Holiday Destination faces down a fucked-up world with guile and with guts”
4/5 The Skinny
“A rallying cry to fight for something better than what we currently have”
4/5 DIY
“This is one holiday destination you really should explore”
4/5 Record Collector
“So tragically and perfectly fitting for 2017”
London In Stereo
“Bold, smart, uncompromising”
“Political, powerful and maddeningly good”
NME, ‘Best New Tracks’
“One of UK music’s most underrated voices”
Time Out